

As each day brings a new element of surprise regarding the outlandish sexual attacks on our children and

the blatant disregard for our creator, Jesus Christ, we as parents must “Rise Up” now like never before.

Time is of the essence. Our society is in desperate need of a “Biblical Revival” and we can make it happen.

However, we must act now! Our future generations are in grave danger, as we see more and more assaults on the very design of our heavenly Father’s creation.

Will you partner and lock arms with us as riseup4thechildren battles on the frontlines to spread the message of the

True Design of the Biblical Family.

We are rapidly losing a generation to social Christianity (fake gospel), Godlessness, homosexual lifestyles as Holy before Christ, children can choose their own genders, pedophilia is starting to be affirmed and folks so much more.

Partner with us today as we spread the message and fight for our future generations. They need us!

We are Warriors ready for battle and have answered the “call”.

Learn more about riseup4thechildren and how you can make a generous donation to help us fight for the children and lend a helping hand putting feet to this mission.

Thank you for your support and for coming alongside us.